Version 2.10.7 has been released

Posted under announcements on October 30, 2018 by SheetKraft Bot

  • Support for array argument (produced by a function call) to EmailAttachments.SK inside SendEmail.SK. Previously only range argument was supported.
  • Support for custom query in database picker along with the ability to reference other activity inputs in the custom query. The Define Activity screen now has a field where each input (or column in a table input) can be assigned a SQL name (must be unique). The database picker can be assigned a custom query. The default query is shown and this can be edited. The query must be in a specific syntax. This will be covered in a blog post.
  • Added functions TextToTable.SK and TableToText.SK. These functions make it possible to take a table of columnar data and store it in a single cell value and vice versa.
  • Added function CommandLine.SK. This makes it easy to construct a command line for use with RunCommand. It takes care of properly applying double quotes and putting spaces between arguments. Further, if the program path to CommandLine.SK starts with 'Tools', it is resolved w.r.t %localappdata%SheetKraft in the addin and w.r.t the installation folder on the server. This makes it possible to store commonly used programs and scripts in a global location and refer to them without having to package them with the activity. It is recommended to create a sub-directory inside the Tools directory for each such program.
  • Added function TempPath.SK. This is intended to be used with RunCommand.SK. If the program being run produces a file, the file path should be obtained with TempPath.SK and passed to the program. This ensures that SheetKraft can properly isolate the outputs of the program across multiple and parallel runs. This is appropriate if the file produced by the program is going to become an activity output or is going to be processed further.
  • Added function ResolveFilePath.SK. This is intended to be used with RunCommand.SK. For files that are produced by some other SheetKraft function or are inputs and must be read by the program being run, ResolveFilePath.SK should be called with a mode of \read\ and the result path should be passed to the program. For files that will be produced by the program in a static folder, ResolveFilePath.SK should be called on the static path with a mode of \write\ and the result path should be passed to the program.
  • If the command line to RunCommand.SK has a file path as its first part, the folder containing that file becomes the current directory for the new process in which the command is run. This means that when RunCommand.SK is used to run programs, the programs will run with their containing directory as the current directory.
  • When 'Prevent Simultaneous Runs' is unchecked for an activity (indicating that runs of the activity are independent of each other), View All Runs will only show runs by the user currently logged in instead of all runs. This prevents users from seeing runs by other users. In a future release, the ability to view runs by other users may be added back with better control.
  • Added a check to prevent publishing of activities whose main workbooks are not in .xlsx format. This is only intended to cover an audit requirement.
  • Fix to some access check SQL queries for PostgreSQL.
  • Fix to missing scrollbar in wide grids in the latest version of Google Chrome.
  • Fix to state of checkboxes in 2 level checkbox list on web UI.
  • Fix to RelativePath showing unnecessary .. in some cases. This was occurring when the addin installation folder was manually created with a non-standard casing (for ex. Sheetkraft instead of SheetKraft)

Tagged: Releases

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